

is a category of products that contain various types of fibre. Here you can find both types of fibre, that is soluble and insoluble. These are beneficial for overall health in several ways. First of all, fibre beneficially affects digestion and serves as food for the friendly bacteria that make up the intestinal microflora (microbiome). It is also often associated with promoting the feeling of satiety. This makes it important for all people who follow the principles of a healthy diet or who are trying to lose weight.

Which foods are high in fibre? Fibre is naturally present in common foods, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, and cereals. If you want to increase your fibre intake, the ideal solution may be dietary supplements with high fibre concentration. Most products contain fibre in the form of a soluble powder, which fits perfectly in porridge, smoothies, or yoghurts.  

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